English Service - Mgr. Petr Borovička

překlad, soudní, překlady, výuka, kurz, tlumočení, korektura

Petr Borovicka

A multi-language service provider on your side



Certified translations

  • certified translations of diverse kinds of both personal and company documents such as birth, marriage, and death certificates, extracts from the crime register or from the commercial register, powers of attorney, labour-law and bank documents, certifications, permits, contracts, or any other documents that require a stamp of a certified translator
  • a completed certified translation consists of the original (or a certified copy), a translation, and e.g. a Czech-English translator’s clause certifying the authorisation of the translator, and it also bears translation registration details

Common translations

  • translations of texts of all levels and areas between most European languages
  • projects are completed fast and in high quality based on your requirements

Specialist translations

  • high-quality translations of specialised texts in all fields of human activities
  • frequently translated fields include: law, commerce, banking, finance, engineering, electronics, building industry, administration, et­c.

WWW service

  • complex translations of company as well as personal Internet sites
  • translations of presentations to be published on the Internet
  • long-term cooperation on update translations

E-mail service

  • translations of both commercial and private e-mail correspondence
  • completion within 24 hours guaranteed, invoicing on monthly basis

EU service

  • translations of correspondence and communication with EU authorities
  • cooperation in the preparation and translation of any EU grant applications
  • translations of projects, presentations, and reports required by EU authorities

Advertising service

  • accurate translations of any advertising or promotional materials

Office service

  • translations of various forms, templates, and documentation

Spoken translations

  • translation of any text is made into a spoken form in a target langauge

Documents for working abroad

  • express certified translations of any documents to be attached to applications for jobs in English-speaking countries

A customer's guide to ordering translations

  • in January 2003, the Union of Interpreters and Translators (JTP) released the historically first guide to make the life easier for anyone wishing to get something translated
  • this international project, which includes this publication, aims to help people round the world with the issue of ordering translations
  • it attempts to assist in the choice of a suitable translator to people who do not know the foreign language and need a translation to Czech or from Czech
  • English version is downloadable here: Translation – getting it right (68 kB)

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English Service - Mgr. Petr Borovička

překlad, soudní, překlady, výuka, kurz, tlumočení, korektura

English Service - Mgr. Petr Borovička

překlad, soudní, překlady, výuka, kurz, tlumočení, korektura